Our mission is to assist countries to develop their economics
in sustainable way.
Our humanitarian projects primarily focus on delivering critical infrastructure, as the first step to facilitate future possible growth of South Sudan. The facilities around primary schools provides for clean water and sanitation for people in villages around. Educational centres, sustained by renewable energy, create local job opportunities for youth and women. They are connected by system of stabilised roads, to link farmland villages joined in food production cooperatives, with smaller cities to stimulate local market trades, thus busting internal economy of the country. Such spread system of rural centres for circular economy, can create a network of interlined specialised regions across South Sudan, that cooperate with one another and supply each other with excess of production. They are becoming the heart and driving force that provides for food, clean water, energy, education and job opportunities for locally engaged population.
Potential projects seeking implementations
are focused around infrastructure of roads, education centers with job opportunities, energy production, food and fertilizers production, fuel production and setting up local cooperatives. Corporate and Institutional partners from within EU and US are willing and ready to join with us in projects and share their knowledge, best practices and innovative technologies. We believe very soon we will lunch our pilot project in selected regions in South Sudan to test and prove our radical design concept.
Implementation of patented technology to stabilise dust and clay land roads and quickly and simply transform them into stable waterproof and soak–proof foundations for national roads, country roads, forest roads, motorways, airports, housing and industrial construction.
Application of Bio and Fito technology to shape environment and to mitigate the effects of flooding and provide for clean water and sanitation applications to rural villages and agriculture lands.
Bio-technology will be
for cleaning
of water masses:
lakes, ponds, sea from petroleum pollutionsand their derivatives,
fishponds of excess biomass
,industrial wastewater, municipality sewage.
Fito-technology will focus on rehabilitation measures to
improve water quality
, capture the inflow of nutrients,
stimulate its
purification processesand creating
protective for humanand
healthy ecosystems, rich in biodiversityof fauna and flora.
Critical energy infrastructure tailored to local needs based on modular, easy and quick installation with least impact on environment.
Functional, safe and robust solution for small hydropower plants
up to 150kW
vertical wind turbinesthat: take of at low wind speed (about 2m/s)• generate no noise nor vibrations and can be safely installed close to populated areas• uses much less land then alternatives
mobile agricultural biogas plant
toproduce and use biogas to convert to electricity and heat. The residue from the process of obtaining agricultural biogas is used on the farm as a fertilizers.
Converting municipality waste to energy plants
with optional cogeneration of heat or cooling for industrial application
Organic waste
from places like food markets
, restaurants, hotels and residential areas can be easily converted into high value organic fertilisers in
bioreactor called Digester. This technology allows for mechanical and biological process (aerobic, working under thermophilic conditions above 70o)C to ensures
sterile and complete breakdown of organic material
, into a valuable output to be used as
soil improvement substrate
Anoder technology are liquid preparations applicable direct after harvest on soil im proves their fertilityby increasingthe humus content , renew microbial faunaof the soil, accelerates decompositionof crop residues, improves absorption of nutrientsfrom soil by plants , improves condition of the plant, allow for greater and longer accumulation of water in the soil , enrich the composition as well as the physical and microbiological properties.
Improving lives of farmers
and farm communities in South Sudan by
advancing rural economicand community, by
deploying SMART Farm initiatives (SMART= Sustainable Modernizacion of Agriculture for Rulal Transformation) to transform agricultural productivity by modernizing machines and methods and creating access to markets.
Modernization program for agriculture to stimulate local farmers cooperatives and support them in becoming full-fledged economic operations of a profitable and sustainable businesses that provide them with meaningful income and at the same time becoming the base for food security of entire country.
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+48 609 589 489
+211 920 476 777
Intereko Energia South Sudan – NGO - Plot No. (2), Block No. (14), Hai Nimra 3, Juba, South Sudan